TITLE: The Beatus Maps
DATE: ca. 776 A.D.
AUTHOR: Beatus of Liébana (died 798)
DESCRIPTION: see attached .pdf file, a 21-page monograph
Last Updated: 2 May 2022
Each of the following Beatus mappae mundi has a separate monograph (just select the individual Beatus codex for the link)
2. Escalada, a.k.a. Morgan 644, Ashburnham, New York I, Magius, (c. 940-945) Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, ff.33v-34 [IIa], 387 x 285 mm.
4. Valcavado, a.k.a. Valladolid (970) Biblioteca de la Universitaria de Valladolid (Spain), Ms 433, ff.36v-37 [IIa], 350 x 240 mm.
6. Girona, (975) Museo de la Catedral de Girona (Spain), Num. Inv. 7 (11), ff.54v-55 [lIb], 400 x 260 mm.
8. Seu d’Urgell, (last quarter 10th century) Museo Diocesano de La Seu d’Urgell (Spain), Num. Inv. 501, ff. VIv-VII [IIa], 402 x 265 mm.
11. Fernando I & Sancha, a.k.a. Madrid, Facundus (1047) Biblioteca Nacional (Spain), Cod. Vitrina 14-2, ff.63v-64 [IIa], 350 x 280 mm.
13. Saint-Sever, a.k.a. Paris I (c.1050) Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, MS Lat 8878, ff.45bisv-45ter [text I, map II], 365 x 280 mm.
14. El Burgo de Osma, (1086) Archivo de la Catedral de Santiago, Spain Cod. 1, ff.34v-35 [I], 360 x 225 mm.
15. Turin, (1150) Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Sgn. (Italy), I.II.1 ff.45v-46 [IIb], 372 x 296 mm
16. Silos, a.k.a. London, (1109) British Library, Add. Ms 11695, ff.39v-40 [IIa], 378 x 235 mm.
20. Manchester, a.k.a. Rylands, (c.1175) John Rylands University Library, MS Lat. 8, ff.43v-44 [IIb], 454 x 326 mm, Manchester, UK.
22. Lorvão (1189) Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisbon, ff.34bisv [I], 345 x 245 mm.
23. Navarre, a.k.a. Paris II, (1180) Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, MS nouv. acq. lat. 1366, ff.24v-25 [I], 350 x 230 mm.
24. Las Huelgas, a.k.a. New York II, (1220) Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, M. 429, ff.31v-32 [IIb]a, 530 x 340 mm.
25. San Andres del Arroyo, a.k.a. Paris III (1220-1248) Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, MS nouv. acq. lat. 2290, ff.13v-14 [IIb], 440 x 305 mm.
26. The Milan a.k.a. Mapa de Oña derivative, 12th century, Dela Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Ms. F. 105. SUP., folios 71v-72r, Milano, Italy.